Ad-blockers are becoming a genuine threat to most organisations, selling products online. Being able to protect your business from ad-blockers is crucial for the long-term continuation of its operation. Owners and marketers alike have spent tonnes of time and resources on various types of ads which end up not being shown to their target customers at all, because of ad-blocking software. Does this spell the death of paid ads? Of course, not! There are still plenty of ways to protect your business from ad-blockers, and you can read all about them below. To give you a quick preview, the three top approaches to protect your business from ad-blockers are:
- Get frequently featured on the main media outlets
- Look into native advertising
- Create shareable content
Organic Traffic and how it helps you protect your business from ad-blockers
Online advertisement is a crucial part of modern-day digital marketing, as organic traffic can be rather hard to come by. For the uninitiated in the ways of Google, the term organic traffic refers to visitors coming to your website from search results. To successfully protect your business from ad-blockers with this method, your site must rank high enough on search engines (Google being the most prominent of the lot). People must also be actively looking for what you are selling. The proper implementation of SEO (Search Engine Optimisations) practices and creating your website as closely related to what people are looking for as possible can be big factors, helping you protect your business from ad-blockers. However, SEO can be rather costly and without a good strategy – inefficient. Therefore, it will not be examined in great detail within this article. You can learn more about Search Engine Optimisation and how your business can benefit from it here.
Without further ado, let us move on to the three most popular ways to protect your business from ad-blockers.
Media Outlets
The effort-intensive way to protect your business from ad-blockers
Having your company or organisation featured in a major media outlet is by no means a simple endeavour, but it is well worth the resources. It is an excellent way to protect your business from ad-blockers and build brand awareness at the same time. To make it happen, follow these steps:
- Identify where your target audience(s) spend most of their time. Research what they are interested in, what they like to do in their free time and which websites they enjoy visiting. If your content gets featured in these places, you have successfully found a way to protect your business from ad-blockers
- Find strategies, allowing you to highlight your company and products. The more brand awareness you generate, the easier it will be to protect your business from ad-blockers.
- Create new ways, for customers to connect with your brand. If the clients are informed of you, there is no need to fight and protect your business from ad-blockers at all! They will come straight to you.
To successfully protect your business from ad-blockers using this method, you and your team need to be able to create valuable content. The given media needs to feel that the piece is informative and useful enough to be featured. Moreover, the readers need to consider it relevant to their interests. When properly implemented, this strategy can be extremely effective, as it creates the so-called “leverage” effect. Should readers find your company and content engaging enough, they will start sharing it themselves, moving you straight onto the next method to protect your business from ad-blockers.

Create Shareable content
How to protect your business from ad-blockers by leveraging users to share your content
This is yet another tough nut to crack. Most digital resources out there like to use the phrase “shareable content” as if it is the holy grail of marketing. Moreover, then they keep on repeating the same things over and over as if they are newsworthy or even remotely interesting. For a piece of content to be classified as shareable, it must be well-fitting into the given niche and resonate with the users. Only then can it truly help you protect your business from ad-blockers? Correctly implementing this and achieving shareable status can be very time-consuming, might require changing approaches and turning strategies upside down. Which is why most companies are opting not to bother. Much of the content might be media outlet worthy but how many actual, real people (as opposed to paid influencers) will share it? A staggering 74% of the total media outlet posts do not get any real user activity at all. Remember – people reading your content does not help you protect your business from ad-blockers. You need them to engage with it, share it and recommend it to their friends. Only then will they truly contribute to your cause.
Native Advertising
Why are Facebook ads a great way to protect your business from ad-blockers?
Some third-party platforms (such as Social Media outlets) offer native advertisement options which can prove invaluable in your search for ways to protect your business from ad-blockers. Most of the nasty, anti-advertisement plugins and add-ons are either incapable of blocking these ads while others simply have contracts with the given platform. Native ads are only shown to people, deemed interested in the subject by the platform. Companies such as Facebook and Twitter have algorithms in place that do extensive research on each and every user. This makes them an ideal solution if you wish to protect your business from ad-blockers. Social Media ads are also much less expensive than most alternatives (like Google AdWords) while providing you with an excellent way to filter who sees your ads. Facebook ads are also the least effort-intensive way to protect your business from ad-blockers, as the platform does most of the work for you. You will still need to create ad copy and include enticing images, but the creation of long and engaging content will not be required.
There is no such thing as legitimate instant results. As is the case with most things online, finding the right approach for your niche will require rigorous testing, time and effort. However, the result is worth it. Today, finding a way to protect your business from ad-blockers is a must, as standard ads will simply not cut it. Should you wish to learn more about the topic, do not hesitate to contact us for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation. Our experts will be happy to provide guidance and help you protect your business from ad-blockers.
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