What benefits of social media marketing should you be leveraging?
All businesses should be aiming to leverage the various benefits of social media marketing but without fully realising them and their implications, this can be quite the challenge. This article will cover the most prominent benefits of social media marketing and offer insights on how to best utilise them.
The main benefits of Social Media Marketing lie within the fact that it is:
- Measurable
- Accessible
- Global
- Affordable
- Social
- Good for SEO
As you can see from the aforementioned benefits of social media marketing, it is great for anyone interested in statistics. And there are few things that marketers love more than detailed statistics. Putting together all of the benefits of social media marketing also makes it perfect for small and medium-sized businesses to advertise their services, making themselves known to the vast digital world. While the degree to which a business can leverage the benefits of social media marketing can vary based on its field, niche and practices, each and every company can gain from properly utilising it.
Benefits of Social Media Marketing – Statistics
The Analytical Benefits of Social Media Marketing
When it comes to the various techniques and approaches, marketers rarely see eye to eye. The one thing that all marketers do agree on when it comes to the benefits of social media marketing, is the vast value of all the statistical data. Having access to data and knowing how to leverage it to drive results are two different things, however.
As with all things marketing, the benefits of social media marketing are best leveraged with extensive testing, which is, consequently made possible through the use of the aforementioned detailed statistics. In this line of work, the more you know about your audience, the better. And when combined with the other benefits of social media marketing, like its global reach and virality, it makes it one of the best platforms to advertise products on.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing – Communication
Emphasising on the Social Benefits of Social Media Marketing
Yet another of the many benefits of social media marketing for businesses are its communicative implications. One of the main factors, contributing to the popularity of social media platforms is their ability to facilitate social interactions. People go to social media in order to, well, socialise. This means that users are a lot more open to voicing their opinions, expressing concerns, engaging in discussions and so on.
Engaging people in conversations, be they prospective clients or loyal customers, is a sure-fire way to expand your influence and solidify the image of your brand. The benefits of social media marketing here allow you to not only (potentially) engage vast numbers of users with your content but also have the conversations themselves visible to the wide public.
The next time you are wondering what type of content would be beneficial for your website or brand try leveraging the benefits of social media marketing. Simply taking a look at the questions users are addressing your company with on Facebook can give you a plethora of ideas. Taking a note from the conversations happening on your competitor pages can also be very beneficial, and while it does have its merits, it is a very different topic altogether.
Benefits of Social Media Marketing – Distribution
The Viral Benefits of Social Media Marketing
Let us assume that you have a great piece of content produced for your brand. Maybe it is a commercial-type video, talking about your services or an informative review article, covering your latest product. The best way to “get it out there” is to put it on social media. Both paid ads and normal posts work towards the same goal and generally, marketers like to leverage both of these benefits of social media marketing, as they cover different audiences.
A normal post would reach a portion of your followers while an ad will be shown to as many people, fitting within your chosen criteria, as your budget would cover. This gives you potentially unlimited reach, only hindered by the knowledge and ability of your team to leverage the benefits of social media marketing.
Benefits of Social Media Marketing – Traffic
Leveraging the Benefits of Social Media Marketing to Drive Targeted Traffic
When done right, social media can drive great amounts of targeted traffic directly to a page on your website. These particular benefits of social media marketing are plain to see and are easily appreciated even without a marketing background. Have you not found yourself clicking on a link that sounded interesting, only to land on a page that aims to convert you to an email subscriber, follower or a straight-up customer? Similar situations are inevitable in the digital world of today and businesses should strive to make the most of these benefits of social media marketing.
And while straight up selling is rarely recommended when it comes to social media posts, it can most certainly be pulled off well, depending on the niche and product of the particular business.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing – Search Engine Optimisation
How Google Encourages Business to Leverage the Benefits of Social Media Marketing
If this is not the first marketing-related article that you have come across, you are probably familiar with the idea that a good SEO strategy needs to fully leverage the benefits of social media marketing. There are three main reasons behind this:
- Good Social Media posts bring in a lot of traffic
- Google automatically attributes high authority to links coming from social media platforms
- Google respects social media interactions, placing value upon likes and shares
First and foremost, a good social media post will allow you to leverage the benefits of social media marketing by driving targeted traffic to your website, as pointed out above. What was not mentioned there, however, is the fact that Google places a high value upon incoming traffic, allowing you to hit two birds with one stone.
All links from social media platforms, pointing to your website are seen as high authority links. To elaborate, if social media platforms were people, Google would see them as incredibly knowledgeable and skilled experts in the respective fields. The link itself would be these authorities giving you their approval. Google takes social networks quite seriously which is why every search engine optimisation expert today strives to utilise the benefits of social media marketing.
The last but by no means least SEO benefits of social media marketing are found within the social interactions. When it comes to social interactions, likes and shares are highly valued by Google as “social signals”. They are seen as signs that your content is interesting to people and therefore, your website should be made visible to a wider audience. While obtaining these takes a bit more effort than purely spamming links to your website and asking people to share it, it is certainly one of the benefits of social media marketing worth pursuing. The more people like and share your content, the more people will potentially get exposed to it.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing – Affordability
The ROI Benefits of Social Media Marketing
Last but by no means least come the affordability benefits of social media marketing. While not the easiest to learn and optimise, social media ads can be much better at producing a good ROI when compared to Google AdWords. This is due to a combination of factors, ranging from the very ambience, provided by a social network to the targeting details, presented by platforms such as Facebook.
And even new start-ups who are not yet confident enough or interested in spending resources on Ads can leverage the benefits of social media marketing simply by producing and sharing great content. While time is not exactly free, there is a very small added cost for your efforts, such as sourcing good pictures and content relevant to your brand.
Within this article, you have seen but a few of the many benefits of social media marketing that a modern business should seek to leverage. Being social today is just as important for companies and brand as it is for individual people. How social is your brand?
As established experts, with over 20 years of experience in the field of Digital Marketing and online business solutions, Go Live UK can offer you a complimentary consultation on how to leverage the benefits of social media marketing. Follow this link to get in touch with our experts today!
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