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How To Improve The Efficiency Of Your Video Meetings

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The significance of productive meetings has increased as more people choose to work remotely.

Here's how to make the most of your video meetings.

Learn how to use video chat tools

There are many free online meeting tools available, and they all function in a largely similar way. The most well-known ones are Miro, Zoom, and Google Hangouts. To be completely professional during the video chat, take the time to test out several tools before your meeting. Make it a routine to call in at least five minutes early so that you are always prepared. If there is background noise, keep your camera on and mute your microphone.

When the meeting is in session, avoid using the secondary internet

Live video meetings are bandwidth-intensive activities. Make sure everyone at home (or in the office) turns off downloading and other bandwidth-intensive streaming websites (like YouTube, Spotify, or Netflix) utilizing the same connection in order to improve your experience. As an alternative, some programs allow you to "throttle" the download speed so it is less disruptive while you are using the device for other purposes.

Plan the schedule in advance

Although sending an agenda in advance may assist your team keep on task, it is a fundamental meeting protocol. The experts at HBR advise setting clear objectives before the conversation and, if necessary, sending a pre-read. To make the most of your time on camera, ask attendees to prepare.

Assign roles to everyone

Provide time on the agenda for each participant to receive feedback on a potential issue. Instead of just summarizing the accomplishments of the week's events, promote group problem-solving. Don't waste time on something that could be summarized into a report just as quickly. Video conferences should ideally be participatory, inclusive, and collaborative.

Invite the right people

Have you ever been asked to a meeting but had no idea why? If you're using a videoconference for brainstorming, problem-solving, or project updates, only invite those who actually need to be there. Attendees that are not necessary breed inefficiencies and diversions. Send the minutes to a larger group via email or Slack if you want to update them.

Link to your meeting and participate

When people feel at ease around their coworkers, they often perform better. Spend a moment updating everyone on both a personal and professional level. Use shared pictures to support your agenda after that. Online spreadsheets, shared displays, and online whiteboards are just a few of the many useful online alternatives available. Keep participants interested in the subject matter being discussed by using a conferencing program with a chat feature or poll.

Do not multitask

It seems like a no brainer, but multitasking one of the most common contributors to inefficient meetings. It’s especially hard to keep participants in a video call engaged when there are plenty of other websites calling for attention. Ask attendees to shut down email and put their phones away to avoid temptation.

Keep conference calls brief

What's worse than an unnecessary meeting? A never-ending presentation with too much information. While visual aids are essential to engaging attendees, don't waffle and overcomplicate things. Meetings should be guided discussions that prioritize efficiency at every turn. Keep each presentation limited to 10-15 minutes.

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